Welcome to Mission Barista
Our mission: We love, support and serve the most vulnerable children and adult’s in rural Tanzania Africa and beyond. MBG provides resources to supply basic necessities, health care outreach and educational services for all ages, while being the hands and feet of Jesus to all those we serve.
We support the most vunerable.
Our support for widows, orphans and disabled individuals is a big task –
however your love and contributions can help them obtain daily nutrition,
educational assistance and above all, projects that will help them carry their
lives forward into the future.
We take our work seriously and know that each donation comes with a desire to
see results. Our directors in Tanzania are sure to show us through pictures and
videos the best way to utilize and help individuals. We serve widows as they are
typically left with zero resources after their husbands pass away. They have no
systems in place to “cover them” after death and life insurance is unknown to
them. Their children often become orphans as mothers cannot care for them
with their needs and may send them for others to help.
We are partnered with the Pope John Paul II rehab and disability center in Monduli Tanzania Africa. This center provides for children who are ridden with physical and mental disabilities. It is a loving warm environment with caring leadership. We are helping this center with daily sustainability (brick oven project) and playground equipment for the children who otherwise would not have a way to experience what other children do that do not have disabilities. We utilize each donation for the individual we serve and do our best to provide you, the donor with photo’s and videos which you will find on our social media outlets and right here in our gallery!
The Jesus Film Project – showing this movie to remote communities to learn about a living and breathing God is true sustainability for all ages.
The “Jiko” or Oven Project – This project is being implemented (Dec 2023) for a group of widows that will begin baking bread and other items for their village and eventually community. They will learn how to create a sustainable life for themselves and then teach others how to do the same!
Sponsorship for Widows / Children in Need – Basic necessities provided: Food, water and hygiene to those that have suffered and are in the most need.
Education for vulnerable adults – We have procured a wonderful teacher to teach the art and skill of basket and mat making! These classes are paid directly from donor support. Each class offers the teacher to train, supplies to learn and the skill of producing these for selling. Each participant signs a contract with our director and teacher that they will teach one or more in need after mastering the skill. This in turn breeds a positive impact within the community.
We pray and give all thanks to God who placed our hearts together.
What a blessing it was to be in Tanzania Africa in September 2024.
We love and we served!

We are a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization registered in the state of Wisconsin.
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