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Mission Barista Global

Mission Barista Global

Helping people - Changing Lives. We are a 501c3 non profit organization serving the vulnerable in Tanzania Africa

My heartfelt Thanks for joining our “Live” last night! We are humbled and so grateful for your kindness and support of Mission Barista Global. Your friendship and love mean the world to me❤️We will continue to get educational classes to the widows who are perfecting their skills with weaving the beautiful baskets!❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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For any purchases this evening on our live sale - please feel free to use this Venmo platform or you can utilize PayPal through our website link www.missionbarista.orgThank you thank you thank you! ... See MoreSee Less
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Tonight’s the night!!❤️I can’t wait to spend a little time with all who will log onto my “Live” and share in some fun!Beautiful Baskets filled with love for those who are special in your life!! See you at 6:30pm cst ❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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To you and I - we might say - they are just chickens! However to our dear Sarah these are blessings beyond measure! She will have eggs, eventually chicks and meat and a way to find a little bit of hope in her day!I love all of you for gathering your hearts and hands to help!!❤️🙏🏻The IMPACT is deeply received by a woman who truly struggles to live each day! ... See MoreSee Less
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Good morning sweet friends❤️ Valentines Day is coming up very soon!! We love - love at MBG! We have crafted and put extra love in each of our hand woven and beaded baskets! These baskets are crafted by women in rural villages who have only this skill to help them buy food, pay for their children’s education and any extras they may need. We brought back three full suitcases of these baskets to sell to help our mission keep hungry bellies fed and hope restored!We have one Super Love basket, 1 medium love basket and 11 smaller but powerful love baskets to sell at our “Live” Sale Wednesday night at 6:30pm.If you would like to buy one ahead of time - just let me know. The beauty of these is you will make love shine by helping the ones who made the baskets and bring a smile to the one who is receiving.We love you for caring❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Super excited to meet you on Wednesday at 6:30pm for a FB live called “”Barista and Baskets” We brought beautiful Tanzanian hand woven baskets with beads that we have been filled with “Valentines Love” that will make a perfect gift! Not only are you helping our mission which goes directly to the widows and children but will also bless the one you share this gift with!!Join us at Pamela Wendtland “Live” on Wednesday February 5th 6:30pm cst.Lots of love in each basket ❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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We are a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization registered in the state of Wisconsin.

Mission Barista Global

N78W14573 Appleton Avenue # 157
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-4382